Date of filming
Day 1: Date: 23rd January 2012. Time: 4pm onwards.
Brief explanation of filming- location- types of shot to be filmed:
I will be filming in Whetstone on the road 'Cherry Hill.' It will be at one of the bus stops and in an alleyway nearby. The types of shots that I will be filming are close ups, shot reverse shots, point of view shots and some of them will be filmed by handheld camera and some on a tripod.
Possible risks involved. E.g. when using lights- risk of knocking over/ burning yourself on the hot lights:
One possible risk is the weather, as if it is raining the equipment could get damaged. Another risk is that pedestrians could trip or fall over the tripod if it is in the way. Also another risk is that pedestrians could get in the way of the filming when I am filming at a bus stop, therefore the shots and the filming could get spoiled. One final risk is that I want to film when it's not too dark, just slightly dark.
How can you eliminate these risks? E.g. making sure somebody is responsible- making sure nobody trips over the cable-touched the lights before they have cooled down:
On the days that I am filming, I will ensure that the weather is good and make sure that it isn't raining, to make sure that the equipment doesn't get damaged. To make sure that pedestrians don't fall over the equipment and get in the way of the filming, I will make sure that there is always someone with the tripod and camera., so that filming doesn't get spoiled. To make sure that it doesn't get too dark when I am filming, we will make sure we spend our time wisely and get as much done as possible, so that I can see what's happening on camera.
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