Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Date: 31st January 2012

Today I am going to be filming the rest of my short film opening, which is going to be situated in the kidnapper's house, and I will be filming the girl that gets kidnapped tied up in a room. She wakes up very confused, as she doesn't know where she is, or what just happened, and then she realizes she is being held hostage.

What I have done today

31st January 2012

Today I have been putting some of my opening sequences onto my film opening. I have put effects on so that they will fade in and fade out. I have also been looking at some music to put on my film opening, and I have found one piece from Garageband, and it sounds quite scary and eerie.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Film Opening Risk Assessment

Date of filming
Day 1: Date: 23rd January 2012. Time: 4pm onwards.

Brief explanation of filming- location- types of shot to be filmed:
I will be filming in Whetstone on the road 'Cherry Hill.' It will be at one of the bus stops and in an alleyway nearby. The types of shots that I will be filming are close ups, shot reverse shots, point of view shots and some of them will be filmed by handheld camera and some on a tripod.

Possible risks involved. E.g. when using lights- risk of knocking over/ burning yourself on the hot lights:
One possible risk is the weather, as if it is raining the equipment could get damaged. Another risk is that pedestrians could trip or fall over the tripod if it is in the way. Also another risk is that pedestrians could get in the way of the filming when I am filming at a bus stop, therefore the shots and the filming could get spoiled. One final risk is that I want to film when it's not too dark, just slightly dark.

How can you eliminate these risks? E.g. making sure somebody is responsible- making sure nobody trips over the cable-touched the lights before they have cooled down:
On the days that I am filming, I will ensure that the weather is good and make sure that it isn't raining, to make sure that the equipment doesn't get damaged. To make sure that pedestrians don't fall over the equipment and get in the way of the filming, I will make sure that there is always someone with the tripod and camera., so that filming doesn't get spoiled. To make sure that it doesn't get too dark when I am filming, we will make sure we spend our time wisely and get as much done as possible, so that I can see what's happening on camera.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Title Sequences I'm using

- A British FIlm Industry Production
- Co-Production with Film 4
- Directed by Daisy Wade
- Produced by Louisa Baker
- Music by Cassie Barnard
- Editing by Daisy Wade
- Costume Design by Jasmine Cooper
- Lighting by Olivia Whittaker
- Screenplay by Daisy Wade
- Starring Anastasia Elias
- Ellie Muir
- And Georgina Ennis

My Film Opening

The film I am going to be making is called 'TRAPPED,' and the genre is horror.

It is about a girl who is out with her friends late in the evening, and when she is going home, she has to walk through a dark alleyway as the bus she gets straight home is taking a while to come. When she is walking through this alleyway, she sees a black figure in the distance, however she doesn't think anything of it. The black figure jumps out in front of her. Then a blackout is used on screen, and the camera cuts to a shot of her waking up and tied up in a dark room, then finally the title of the film 'TRAPPED,' comes up on screen.

The music I would hope to be using would be scary and thriller type music, to make the audience feel on edge and also to build tension for them.

The British Film Council

The government funded a budget film company called 'The British Film Council.' Last year the government shut this down though because the government felt that they weren't spending their money wisely and it wasn't effective enough, as they were spending some of the money on expensive lunches etc.

Here is an article from the BBC News about it.
